Sunday, February 28, 2010

Quantum Physics Puzzle

This should speed things up everywhere.

How Scared Should We Be ?

There are so many things we should be afraid off
that we don't even know about.

Friday, February 26, 2010

No, To The Airborne Laser

That was a waste of over 8 billion dollars. Of oourse, if it follows
the same fate as the Crusader tank (early 1990's) and the FCS project
(killed last year), the airborne laser will simply morph into another
project funded with billions of dollars.

Bloom; The Power Industry Revolution

This should have an intersting impact on the energy industries.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Band of Bots

The machines are rising.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Brains Response To Inequality

There's something algorythmicly profound about this.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Last Unexplored Mountain Range On Earth

Good luck with that exploration.

Space Junk

I guess it's getting really messy up there.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Israel One Ton UAV

Hum, this will ramp things up.

Before The Bang

I don't know if it's true. Knowbody does.
Not even the guys that created the theory.
But it continues my state of wonder, which
is all that really matters to me. I like
being in a state of awe.


This reminds me of Michael Crichton's "Prey".
The study of lifeform behavior transfered
to artificial lifeforms.
We're getting there.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Codex Sinaiticus

Do the Russians have archives on everything.
I don't know wheather to think they have a nack for
research or they have a collective paranoia.

Mental Exercise

Yeah, this is gonna keep me grounded, sane,
mentally nembal and other wise jokular.
Maybe it will keep me from being a drulling idiot.
No, wait, it's too late......phhhhthuurppp..

China Develops Military Space Technology

Don't tell me there's anybody out there that didn't see this coming.

E-waste Medals For 2010 Winter Olympics

Hey if I could harvest the metals from electronics. I would certainly do it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Search For Extraterrestrial Genom

They'll figure it out sooner or later.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Suicide From Homemade Gas

Is the world so overpopulated?
Are people so desperate?

Saturday, February 13, 2010


The implants are next............
Then you become a machine.
Then you upload your soul to a cloud server.
Then you download your soul to a new body.
Then you can live forever. Oh, wait. Doesn't this sound familiar?

Demolition Man

I'm glad this guy is on our side, I think.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Airborne Laser

I hope this works when the missles fly...

The Drake Equation for the Multiverse

Todays mind boggler........I am boggled.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Psychiatry Revisions

Sooner or later were all gonna be nuts.....

Campaign Funds

I hope this is bipartisan and negates the Supreme Court ruling.
If they would only take special interests, lobbiests and corporations
totally out of the process. Only individual people should be able to

An Oil-Less Recovery

I understand the consiquence of this but I hope the trend continues.
We don't need to be hostage to entities that are hostile to our
way of life. However, we do need to lead in the energy alternative.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Tranquility To The ISS

It was a beautiful launch of the Endeavour at 4:14am this morning.
An eventful night with the Super Bowl game and the Saints win.
Lots of screaming going on around here last night.

Corporations Changing Names

To take attention away from their mistakes.
(Remember when Valujet Airlines changed bought Airtran
to get a name change after the everglades crash ?)

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Immortal Synthetic Organisms

Oh, this should be good. I mean, it's in the hands of the Pentagon.

Assassinating Americans

This article goes on as if this idea is not entrinched in our society.
I live in a state with a law that says if you threaten me I can kill you.

As they said back in the 90's.....Blah, blah, blah, yadha, yadha, yadha.....

Friday, February 05, 2010

MRI Brain Scans Show Signs of Consciousness

Next the may be able to detect your soul.

Wild Design

Popular Mechanics has a great article on architecture.

Computers That Use Light Instead of Electricity

Now we're getting somewhere. I want one NOW !

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Starburst Galaxies

It's amazing.......The human pace of gaining knowledge about everything.
It just keeps getting faster and faster.

Careerbuilder Commercials

Vote on your favorite. They are all funny.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Chicken Playing Chicken

I guess things are sooooo dull in Hollywood that the
poperatzi will flash anything that moves. Although,
I'd rather read about a chicken than say, Brittney Spears.

The Geezers' Crusade by David Brooks

This is an insightful article.
It's probably going to be true.
Ban together all my fellow curmudgeonly geezers !!!!!