Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fighting Cancer With Nanoparticles

All of this would be great but for the fact that pharma corps
will make the cost extreme in the U.S. and give it to everyone
else in the world.

God Particle Detected

This should be interesting...

Warrantless Phone Search

I understand how and why this is beneficial to prosecutors.
However, I don't think they should use it like the screeners
at the airports. It should be threat specific.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Self Healing Plastics

Another step to becoming a Cylon.
We will become machines yet...

Monday, April 04, 2011

Bats Dying

The frogs are dying.
The bats are dying.
I'd quess we are going to
change more than we expected
over the next few years.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Genetic Security System

My gut instinct tells me that DARPA wants this
because they already have a need for it. Of course
we won't know about whatever the need is for decades.
I'm amazed every day.....

Health Care Algorithm

I'm sure Heritage Provider Network has altruistic
reasons for doing this. However, I won't bet my life on it.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Tennessee Pushes Legislation to Safeguard Anti-Evolution Teachers

My mind is boggled......
In my life, I have come to know that the
most important word I have ever learned
is extrapolate.
There is nothing in our universe
that stands still.
Everything is fluid and in flux.